Sunday 14 June 2020


A Midsummer Tempest, ix.

Good morning. Coincidentally, I am again rereading:

"Morgenrot..." (p. 7) (See here.)

I must stop late night blogging because it definitely disrupts sleep. That will mean less posts per day but I must also stop trying to cram as many posts as possible into every day.

Since the beginning of December, we (editorially speaking) have:

reread Poul Anderson's Technic and Psychotechnic Histories;
applied Hegelian philosophy to the Psychotechnic History;
compared Anderson's Tau Zero to novels of intergalactic travel by James Blish and Fred & Geoffrey Hoyle;
frequently referred to Anderson's Time Patrol series;
sent the lap top away for repair twice;
reread other authors, sometimes comparing them with Anderson.

Currently, we are rereading Anderson's Old Phoenix sequence, always finding more in the texts than could possibly have been imagined. This will continue although at a reduced pace.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Even with a "reduced" number of posted notes, this PA blog still has to be one of the most active websites devoted to commentary on any kind of writer!

I do wish more readers would leave their own remarks in the comboxes.

Ad astra! Sean