Thursday 26 December 2019

Seven Installments In Common

The Earth Book Of Stormgate collects twelve installments of Poul Anderson's main future history series, the History of Technic Civilization, also known as the Technic History.

The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume I, The Van Rijn Method, collects the first eleven installments of the Technic History.

These two volumes have seven installments in common:

"Wings of Victory" (Ythri)
"The Problem of Pain" (Avalon)
"Margin of Profit" (van Rijn)
"How To Be Ethnic In One Easy Lesson" (Adzel)
"The Season of Forgiveness" (Christmas on Ivanhoe)
The Man Who Counts (van Rijn)
"Esau" (van Rijn)

Ythri, Avalon and Ivanhoe are planets that appear elsewhere in the Technic History. Van Rijn and Adzel are characters that appear elsewhere in the History. Christmas is common to other fictional series and to reality. Will it still be celebrated in the real twenty-fifth century?

My answer: Yes, if humanity survives.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I remember Christmas being mentioned in one of the last of Anderson's Flying Mountains stories: "Ramble With A Gamblin' Man." So I agree Christmas will be celebrated in the future.

The question of how the Church will adjust the liturgical calendar to enable major feasts like Easter and Christmas to be celebrated on other planets is technically interesting.

Ad astra and Happy New Year! Sean