Friday 13 December 2019

Consensus Gentium

The Day Of Their Return.

Speaking of her hope that the Builders/Elders/Ancients will return, Tatiana Thane says:

"'I think, and I'm far from alone...'" (7, p. 130)

She hints at the invalid consensus gentium argument. A graduate student researching reincarnation once said to me, "If you accept opinions as evidence, then...," and followed this with a list of prominent believers in reincarnation. I do not accept opinions as evidence. If some psychological or social factor causes a belief and if this factor is universal, then the belief will be universal but not necessarily true.

Some factor on Aeneas is intensifying religiosity in diverse forms and, despite her denial, Tatiana's form is Cosmenosis which she rationalizes as "'...philosophy rather than religion.'" (p. 128) - although she then proceeds to state unfounded beliefs.

(Climate change deniers rightly point out that scientific truth is a matter of evidence, not of "consensus." However, many scientists compare their particular evidence-based findings and thus reach a consensus.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A list of well known persons who believe or believed in reincarnation is not proof of the TRUTH of that idea, it is only evidence of various persons who believe in reincarnation. Which I don't, by the way.

I can see a PSYCHOLOGICAL cause within a person's mind inspiring a person to believe in this or that idea, but I don't think a mere "social" factor can do that. For an idea or belief to become universal needs the internal assent of the believers, not some "social factor."

I believe that climate changes. That is a fact of history and science. What I am skeptical about are the claims some make for near total disaster in the immediate near future. And I am even more skeptical and HOSTILE to most of the so called "solutions" to the possible problem. I esp. oppose those who demonize nuclear energy, the use of iron sulfites to sop up carbon dioxide, or the kind of space program that would be needed to obtain a truly effective use of solar energy.

Ad astra! Sean