Monday 16 December 2019


The Day Of Their Return.

Of all the planets in Poul Anderson's Technic History, we see maps only of Imhotep and Daedalus in the Patrician System. However, after reading Anderson's texts, it would be possible to draw maps of parts of Avalon, Hermes, Dennitza and Aeneas.

Ivar Frederiksen hears:

"...the sound of the Wildfoss flowing." (2, p. 76)

Thus, this is a different river from the Flone which, we saw, connects the capital city of Nova Roma and small towns like Boseville to the Cimmerian Mountains. See Boseville.

The Wildfoss provides a water table and wells for the Hedin Freehold which is east of Windhome and close to the edge of Ilion.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We seem to get a lot of the geography of Aeneas in THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN, so I'm rather sorry Anderson apparently never thought of drawing up maps of that planet.

Ad astra and Merry Christmas! Sean