Wednesday 18 December 2019

An Ythrian On Aeneas II

The Day Of Their Return.

"The being landed. Ivar had met Ythrians before, at the University and elsewhere." (8, p. 136)

Good future historical continuity here: we know that, centuries earlier, Ythrians had attended the University of Virgil and had employed Aenean human beings to help them to explore the planet that was later named "Avalon" by David Falkayn's granddaughter. The being that has just landed introduces himself as:

"'...Erannath of Stormgate Choth upon Avalon.'" (p. 137)

"But his astonishment at this arrival was such that he gaped as if he were seeing one for the first time." (p. 136)

That, of course, is the omniscient narrator's cue to describe the Ythrian both to inform new readers and to remind old readers:

wings fold down to become legs with claws at the bends as feet;
long rear bones for support;
135 centimeters height;
keelbone like a prow;
yellow arms;
on each hand, three fingers and two thumbs;
a dewclaw on each wrist;
large head;
backward bulging skull;
a mouth with carnivore fangs;
large, unblinking, golden eyes;
white, black-edged crest and tail;
brown feathers;
an apron carrying knife, canteen and pistol.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That interests me, something I never really noticed before, that Ythrians have TWO thumbs. What would it have been like if, instead of the little finger, we humans had thumbs in its place?

Again, I'm reminded of the need Ythrians have for planets with lighter gravities than ours to truly make full use of the ability to fly.

Ad astra and Merry Christmas! Sean