Sunday 22 December 2019

Crowd And Torrent

The Day Of Their Return.

"Through a crowd of stars and a torrent of galaxy, Creusa sped past Lavinia." (13, p. 173)

This one sentence combines three recurrent images:

a hurtling moon;

a ------ of stars (see here);

a description of the Milky Way, although, in this case, it is just called the "galaxy" - however, the word, "torrent," has been used before.

I am still rereading The Day Of Their Return. It might last until the end of the month/year. Fortunately, we are not going anywhere. I do not know whether it is possible to become indefinitely immersed in Poul Anderson's Technic History but I will find out.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

You are not sure "...whether it is possible to become indefinitely immersed in Poul Andeson's Technic History"? I think it is possible and a similar phenomenon can be seen with the more passionate fans of Tolkien's Middle Earth mythos!

Ad astra and Merry Christmas! Sean