Wednesday 4 September 2019

Yamamura's Buddhism II

Murder Bound, xii.

Yamamura, while working as a private detective, gives spiritual advice:

"'You aren't aware of any organ in good shape,' Yamamura had lectured. 'You only notice your heart or your liver when something's wrong. Well, the same applies to your mind. To your whole ego. A man is healthiest and happiest when he's completely unconscious of himself as anything distinct from the world.'" (p. 109)

Absorbed in reading and blogging, I am unconscious of myself as a distinct entity. Exercise is physically necessary but unfortunately leaves the mind free to operate - but that can lead to pre-planning blog posts. Meditation is the inwardly necessary practice of sitting with and letting go of whatever comes up in the mind. Thus, we are conscious of mental unhealth but also learning freedom from it.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I have nothing against your kind of meditation, but neither do I mind being aware of myself, of knowing I exist, and so on. I can lose, temporarily, some awareness of myself when I read a book that interests me.
