Thursday 26 September 2019

The Dark Side Of The Time Patrol?

Guion says that Time Patrol agents who had no emotions about human beings encountered on missions would be defective and either worthless or dangerous.

I disagree. In a milieu dominated by Inquisitors or Nazis, the Danellians would be most effectively served by - Inquisitors or Nazis, prepared, if necessary, to ensure that all the torture and murder happened on schedule. Is there a Dark Patrol concealed not only from the readers but also from morally constrained agents like Everard?

This would be a premise in a themed anthology about the Time Patrol. One way to write such stories is to turn assumptions on their heads. James Blish's "Service" which guards a foreknown future is an Event Police, not an Assassins' Guild. But maybe that exists as well.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm not quite sure I can agree with this idea of a dark Time Patrol tasked with making sure the horrors of history occurred as we know they have done. After all, if the Patrol could prevent, say, Lenin from being stopped by SOMEONE in his drive to seeking supreme power in Russia, wouldn't that ensure the terror, mass executions, and gulags of the USSR actually happened as we know they did? And thus no need for a dark Time Patrol.

Ad astra! Sean