Friday 27 September 2019

Historical Progression

Of the three collections mentioned here:

Trader To The Stars is just three stories about one guy, van Rijn, with no indication that this short trilogy is one small part of a vast future history series;

The Earth Book collects twelve works;

the first describes the human discovery of Ythri;

the second describes Ythrian and human exploration of the planet later colonized by van Rijn's protege, Falkayn;

in the tenth story, set centuries later, an Ythrian foresees the end of van Rijn's way of life (the shadow of God the Hunter is upon it);

the eleventh and twelfth stories, set in a later century, describe the joint human-Ythrian colony founded by Falkayn after the Polesotechnic League has begun its irreversible decline;

The Van Rijn Method is just the first of seven omnibus volumes collecting the entire Technic History in chronological order for the first time.

Quite a progression.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And it was during a discussion he had with John Campbell that Poul Anderson started working out the ideas leading to the Ythrians.

Incidentally, Anderson reused or took that name, "Ythri," from the first version of "Honorable Enemies." A name he removed from the revised version of that story.

Ad astra! Sean