Sunday 22 September 2019

Two Details In Murder In Black Letter

I ask not, "What does 'East Lynne' mean?' but why does Guido say:

"Next week, East Lynne."
-copied from 15, here.

Despite Yamamura being back on stage, Kintyre continues to do all the detective work:

What else was there? Some information on crime in the Mediterranean countries. And—God help us!"
The table went over with a crash as Kintyre stood up. It was not himself who screamed: "Margery! She's next in line!"
-copied from 16, here.

This is a moment of realization and Margery has been found with her throat cut at the end of Chapter 16. Four chapters left and I expect to find something of interest in each of them.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I still wished Trygve Yamamura had played a larger role in MURDER IN BLACK LETTER. This Andersonian moment of realization should have been Yamamura's, not Kintyre.

Ad astra! Sean