Sunday 29 September 2019

Moriarty And Merau Varagan

Moriarty is introduced and killed in a single story, then exists in a later-written prequel, then his chief of staff is captured in a sequel. That completes the story of the Moriarty organization although two dramatizations have rightly pointed out that the organization would have been involved in the Red-Headed League, which was stated to have involved the top criminal minds in London. Then, of course, some writers have imagined the organization continuing after the arrest of Moran.

Rider Haggard's She was introduced and died in a single novel, then appeared in a later-written prequel and Alan Quatermain crossover, then was resurrected in a sequel. That was the She Trilogy.

Merau Varagan was introduced and captured in a single story, then appeared in a later-written prequel, then reappeared as a prisoner in a flashback in a sequel about his female clone. That completes the story of the Exaltationists.

In that first story, Everard first met Varagan in a flashback. Thus, Poul Anderson's Manson Everard of the Time Patrol fought Exaltationists on four occasions recounted in three stories, now collected in two volumes comprising one series. The occasions happen in the same order for Everard and his enemies which is kind of convenient for author and readers alike. A different order, although perfectly possible, would have complicated matters no end.

Today: Manchester.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Ah! Sir H. Rider Haggard! I still remember with pleasure how I enjoyed reading such novels of his as KING SOLOMON'S MINES, ERIC BRIGHT EYES, and SHE. I think I have a total of nine or ten of his books.

I think it's a pretty safe bet to think Poul Anderson also read some of Haggard's books. But I don't recall him making any Haggardian allusions in any of his stories.

I think it would have been interesting if Anderson could have shown us more of the Exaltationists in an additional Time Patrol story. Perhaps some Exaltationists banished to the exile planet might have contrived means of still making trouble for the Patrol?

Ad astra! Sean