Saturday 21 September 2019

Three-Time Losers

(There are many images for "three-time loser" so I chose the one that you see.)

O'Hearn carries a gun, and he's a three-time loser already, do you understand what that means? I've seen his gun!"
-copied from 14, here.

I did not understand "three-time loser." It is one of those American expressions. But I google everything in Poul Anderson's texts, although not always to post about.

I had encountered the term before and sought it out. Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns (London, 1986) presents much of its narrative through TV news reports:

"...twelve killed in a mysterious explosion that leveled a bay ridge apartment building...the rescue team sighted Batman on the scene...
"...following her arrest order for the Batman, Commissioner Yindel filed a formal protest with the Media Council against the Joker's appearance on the David Endochrine Show...
"The Council denied her protest...the body of three-time loser Hector Mendez was found in an East Side alley. He had been literally skinned alive...
"The American Hostages Guild has declared a General Strike, in response to treatment of their members in the recent Libyan incident..."
-Book Three, "Hunt The Dark Knight," p. 13.

I found it odd that the news reader specified how many times Mr. Mendez had "lost."


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It is just to call Hillary Clinton a "three time loser." I don't think this arrogant, talentless, and unlikable woman would ever have become as widely known as she now is if she had not married Bill Clinton, a genuinely clever and able politician (despite his many faults). Hillary managed to lose TWO winable Presidential elections: first to a slick, smooth talking unknown like Obama and, most amazingly, to Donald Trump!

Ad astra! Sean said...


I am sure that there are Hillary Clinton supporters among blog readers. They can speak up, of course. It was a tough choice to pick a "three-time loser" image and we all know that a picture of a politician, especially with a comment attached, will be controversial.

I was interested in the use of this phrase in Anderson's and Miller's texts.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Of course, I agree! There are lots of politicians who are three time losers. Both because of the disastrous and failed ideas they have or because they managed to lose elections they should have won.

But I don't recall Anderson ever using "three time loser" in his SF or fantasies.

Ad astra! Sean said...

No. I was just quoting it from MURDER IN BLACK LETTER. One text each for Anderson and Miller.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!


Ad astra! Sean