Sunday 1 September 2019

WWII, Norway

In Poul Anderson's Murder Bound, iv, pp. 38-40 present a flashback to an incident during World War II in Norway. Thus, three works by Poul Anderson each include a brief scene set during World War II:

Murder Bound;
Three Hearts And Three Lions;
"Time Patrol."

These works represent three distinct genres:

detective fiction;

Further, "Time Patrol" represents the sub-genre of historical sf.

The incident in Murder Bound occurs in Jotunheimen, an evocative name for anyone interested either in Norse mythology or in Poul Anderson's works. See here.

Anderson describes:

a red globe setting behind the mountains;
a green sky;
golden snow on luminous eastern peaks;
slate-colored crags and cliffs;
a glacier blinking;
blue shadows;
a cold breeze;
ice dust -

- and why does anyone have to wage war?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And in the third volume of THE LAST VIKING, we see Anderson's description of how King Harald Hardrede of Norway tried to explore Jotunheim.

People wage wars because they are quarrelsome and aggressive. Or because they are so passionate about some ideas and beliefs they believe it's right to propagate such ideas by force. And I see no reason to expect that to ever change.

Sean said...

Of course there are reasons but I was trying to express the contrast between the beauty of nature and the violence of war.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Oops! I missed that. I was being too heavy handed and literal minded!
