Wednesday 11 September 2019

Historical Questions

For Poul Anderson fans, just a little reading even of recent local history raises questions relevant to Anderson's Time Patrol series:

Did recorded events really occur?
If so, what else was happening at the time?
What unknown events influenced known events?
What different personal lives might have been played out against a common historical backdrop?

In "Time Patrol," Charles and Mary Whitcomb settle down in Victorian England. That was not when they originated but their living and dying then affects nothing significant. World War I will still start on schedule.

Personally, I did not meet Andrea at Bentham Grammar School but did meet him later but this difference in the course of events probably affects nothing major.

In "Brave To Be A King," the "real" Cyrus the Great leads a different daily life from that experienced by Keith Denison when he played the role in a "deleted" timeline but Cyrus' historical significance remains unchanged.

The Patrol guards major events, not every detail.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If the "real" Cyrus the Great had not been as recorded in history, both able and surprisingly magnanimous and generous to defeated foes, history probably would have been very different. The Persian Empire would probably have been short lived, instead of lasting for two centuries.

Ad astra! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And of course today is the anniversary of Al Qaeda's terrorist attacks on the US in 2001. MANY things flowed from that tragedy.

Ad astra! Sean