Friday 6 September 2019

A Moment Of...

(Coit Tower, Telegraph Hill, San Francisco.)

Murder Bound, xvi.

Yamamura is trying to figure out where Arne Torvald disappears to when he is on shore leave in San Francisco:

"The time he blew up and attacked me was -
"Yamamura slumped bonelessly. 'Good Lord!' he said aloud." (p. 144)

OK. First, I should have realized that there was a moment of realization coming. Secondly, I will have to find the passage where Torvald attacked Yamamura to try to see what clue Yamamura has spotted.

He has already deduced that Torvald is the sort of Communist who would leave the Party if asked to spy for Russia:

"If, God forbid, the Russians ever invaded Norway, Arne Torvald would probably die in the front ranks of his king." (p. 143)

If I believed that workers in another country - call it X - were building socialism, using their national resources in the interests of their population and of international solidarity, then I would support them despite the efforts of the British government to sabotage them. However, if the government of X contacted me to help them in ways which showed that they were merely playing the old kinds of power games between governments, then my position would revert to neutrality.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Venezuela is the most recent example of a nation which had a gov't trying to build socialism. And we both know how well that is NOT working out as planned. EVERY time a country tries to "build socialism" it ALWAYS ends in poverty, deprivation, an autocratic, or increasingly despotic regime.

There seems to be two kinds of socialist regimes: those who merely make its own people miserable but are not much of a danger to its neighbors; and those which came to power in great or powerful nations, such as Russia or China. The latter can be menacing and dangerous.

Btw, I've reached Chapter xv of MURDER BOUND, a story which I think was set in 1960 or 1961. And the King of Norway at the time was Olav V. And from what I read about him, Arne Torvald would have no problem being loyal to if anything like a Soviet invasion of Norway had ever happened.

Ad astra! Sean