Friday, 12 April 2019

Alien Archetypes II

See Alien Archetypes and The Alien As Threat.

Further thoughts over breakfast:

Aliens-as-threats include Larry Niven's kzinti to which both Poul Anderson and SM Stirling have contributed. See image and here. Like HG Wells' Martians and one of the species that frequents Niven's Draco Tavern, kzinti treat humanity as a food source. Niven and Pournelle's Moties are a threat to themselves and others because of their uncontrollable population explosions.

Stirling is an alternative histories man but not an aliens man. In his "Lords of Creation" alternative history, Martians and Venerians are descended from transplanted Terrestrials while the powerful, terraforming aliens remain off-stage.

Wells, Heinlein and Anderson each have more than one race of Martians.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And WHY did those alien bother to terraform Venus and Mars in Stirling's two Lords of Creation books? What did they or what were they seeking? We never find out. A pity Anderson never lived to read them.

Sean said...

"Incomprehensible alien motivations" only goes so far as an explanation. A further novel could reveal more and turn everything on its head - but don't ask me to write it.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree! It's up to Stirling if he wishes to write a third Lords of Creation book.
