Wednesday 17 April 2019

The Way

"'I want to kill her,' came the dry whisper. 'I want to see her die. I want to hear her bones break and her blood flow out on the snow. I -'
"'Stop!' she said sharply. 'You must not let them turn you from the Way.'"
-SM Stirling, Snowbrother (New York, 1985), Chapter 12, p. 179.

Wanting to hear bones break is a very bad state to be in. We have not yet been fully informed about "the Way" but it sounds good if violent vengefulness means turning away from it.

"Tao" means "Way." "Zen" means "meditation." Yoga, according to Patanjali, is control of thoughts. Thus, I think that, at their most basic level, Tao, Zen and Yoga are one way. I would be happy to see Lao Tzu and Patanjali beside the Buddha on the altar at the meditation group. Meanwhile, I am interested to learn more about the Way in Snowbrother. Adepts of this Way are in conflict with a dreadful cannibalistic shaman.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Don't forget the Way of the Kommanz shamans. What Walks-With-Demons experienced or sensed reminded me of Platonic Archetypes.

Sean said...

Yes. Unfortunately, his practice is full of malice and hate.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree. And I don't think a culture as harsh, even brutal, as that of the Kommanza people could NOT have had shamams or priests as bad as Walks-With-Demons.
