Wednesday 17 April 2019

Constructing An Alternative Reality

When the shaman passes through the Veil, he sees that:

"The alternative reality he had constructed was there, potential, but still vanishingly unlikely. Still, anything was possible; knowing that was one of the keys of his art. Perception could alter probability." (Chapter 12, p. 181)

So, when these guys pass through the Veil, do they then enter a realm where they might have access all the other timelines: Angrezi Raj, New Virginia, Draka etc?

In this future scenario, all the alternative histories seem to be embryonically present.


David Birr said...

In the Warhammer 40000 universe, the beings who "coincidentally" have the same name as Tolkien's elves — Eldar — include high-ranking psychics who can sense 'a myriad of possible futures unfolding from every second' and adjust the situation to select for the more desirable probable outcome.

Ciaphas Cain is told, by an Inquisitor who's been negotiating with such a "farseer," that 'Whatever potential futures he's foreseen, you seem significant in an awful lot of them.' This is later elaborated on: in all the futures the farseer perceived that included Cain dying, the results were disastrous for Eldar and humans alike. 'Even though he couldn't see how you'd make the difference.' So although W40k Eldar tend to regard humans with not-particularly-good-natured disdain when not actually fighting us, here it was a case of "the enemy of my enemy...." said...

A guy I knew said he sometimes dreamed of the future. When he realized that he was in the middle of a conversation that he had pre-dreamed, he could change the course of the conversation.