Monday 15 April 2019

Farewell To The Fourth Dimension

Back from the meditation group. It was the "time as distance" moment here in SM Stirling's Snowbrother that got me started on the fourth dimension but now I am trying to disengage from it.

In recent posts:

Plattner rotated, Davidson saw, the tesseract house folded - through the fourth dimension (Wells and Heinlein);

a set of dimensions separates parallel universes (Anderson).

Notionally, Wells' Time Traveler, in The Time Machine, and Anderson's mutant time travelers, in There Will Be Time, move along the fourth dimension although I argue that these characters dilate or stretch in that direction.

That is enough about dimensions. Tomorrow, I will return to reading Snowbrother and to rereading "Margin of Profit." Other interrupted rereading comprises Gaiman's American Gods and Julian May's The Many-Colored Land.

Gods, give us time.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Considering how I recently reread Julian May's THE MANY COLORED LAND, I will read with interest any comments you make about that book. I did boggle a bit at the idea non-human could mate with humans and have offspring!

Sean said...

I doubt that I will get around to commenting on Exile, though. It doesn't grab me anywhere as near as much as Intervention and Galactic Milieu, which I have recently reread.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I rather regret that, while agreeing we all have different tastes. I do plan to eventually reread the second volume of THE SAGA OF PLIOCENE EXILE: THE GOLDEN TORC.
