Friday 19 April 2019

Summary Continued

Continuing the summary from the previous post, Volume II gives us:

van Rijn on T'Kela
the trader team (Falkayn, Adzel, Chee Lan) on Ikrananka
the team on Merseia
van Rijn on Earth, receiving reports from Cain
van Rijn and the team in space
other League traders on other planets
van Rijn and the team in space

I can't get enough of the interweaving characters and settings. I am just on my way out for the evening but the next blog project is probably to review van Rijn on Diomedes.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I've been thinking I should soon reread THE MAN WHO COUNTS, the longest story focusing on Old Nick! And probably the richest source for his "infamous" malapropisms.
