Wednesday 19 September 2018

The Bible And Neo-Heathenism

(An odd compilation.)

See A Note On Anderson's Use Of The Bible.

David Ryerson reflects:

"'"The heavens declare the glory of God...and the firmament showeth his handiwork."....It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.'"
-Poul Anderson, The Enemy Stars, 6, p. 47.

"So this is how it feels, when the God of Hosts lays His hand upon a man..." (9, p. 66)

"Thou, God, watchest me, with the cold ashen eyes of wrath." (p. 67)

David's doctrinaire father, Magnus, prefers heathens to atheists. (2, p. 15) We infer that there are heathens on the future Earth. Does the opening of an interstellar frontier re-awaken ancient awe? James Blish's Okie swear by the gods of all stars. See here.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And certain texts in the Book of Jeremiah, describing both his anguish and ecstasy from feeling the Hand of God on him also comes to mind.

It's plain why Magnus Ryerson preferred pagans over atheists: the former at least believed in something they held to be transcendent, greater than themselves.

And it's possible the opening of a real frontier in space will be attended by a revived faith in God or "gods."
