Sunday 9 September 2018

Ecclesiastes, ix, 16-18

See "A Note On Anderson's Use Of The Bible," here.
See also other references to the Bible here.

Have we mentioned that Planet Of No Return begins with the above-mentioned passage from Ecclesiastes? (Maybe we have. I have not checked back through all the previous posts.)

What do we think of the Ecclesiastes passage?

"Wisdom is better than strength..."

I do prefer wisdom to physical or political strength but I do not want to be weak or defenseless either.

"...nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard."

True and, in this respect, nothing has changed since then.

"The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools."

Rulers do make their cries heard. Or does "...him that ruleth among fools..." just mean a chief fool rather than a ruler? Maybe, if we can get some quiet, then we recognize and heed wisdom when it is spoken?

"Wisdom is better than weapons of war..."

I agree although wisdom alone is insufficient defense against weapons of war.

"...but one sinner destroyeth much good."

He can do. So wisdom is good but even one idiot can do a lot of harm?

Is the passage a single coherent statement or a number of statements?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Thanks for linking to my article "A Note On Anderson's Use of the Bible." I have to say I'm not entirely satisfied with that piece of mine. It continues to strike me as "rough" and "unfinished," in need of revising.

And I have seen Ecclesiastes described as a sad, but wise book.


raynnowui21 said...

This actually answered my problem, thank you! casino online

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I should have added that Ecclesiastes 9.16-18 can be unpacked or drawn out to list the conclusions you made.

Ad astra! Sean