Thursday 13 September 2018

Mines, Cities, Roads, Dogs, Cats, Cows, Pigs, Noise, Dust And Crowding

Poul Anderson, Planet Of No Return, Chapter 6.

Rereading a novel, we can spot signs or clues that maybe we should have spotted the first time. The expedition has been under a "curse":

it was impossible to buy a starship;
it was necessary to build one;
there was a sabotage attempt;
there were funding problems;
despite the active involvement of a "psychomed" crew member, there is extraordinary friction on board;
the psychomed, Avery, suddenly expresses distaste for extrasolar colonization -

the leveling of hills;
the filling up of plains;
the wiping out of native life;
the noise, dust and crowding.

Despite his presence on an extrasolar expedition, Avery believes that mankind belongs on Earth so why is he there? OK, Dumbo, an anti-stellar conspiracy on Earth has a representative on the ship. I get the message on (at least) the second rereading!

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think the anti-stellar conspiracy had its agent, Avery, revealing his true views and designs too soon. More subtle means would have advanced the goals desired by the conspirators with a greater likelihood of success. But PLANET OF NO RETURN was an early story by Anderson, when he had not yet quite thought out how real plotters would behave. THE AVATAR shows us anti-stellar conspirators acting more plausibly.
