Tuesday 18 September 2018

Teleportational Civilization

Mattercasting is expensive so there is a ferry from Earth to the mattercaster on the Moon. But why not a mattercaster on Earth? In the Tau Ceti System, the known mattercaster is on Moon Two of Sarai but the Fellowship of Independence suspects that the Protectorate also has a heavy duty 'caster on at least one asteroid.

The Lunar ferry has formfitting loungers and an ecdysiast.

There are many extrasolar colonies, including:

New Kashmir

The Fellowship tries to organize simultaneous revolution on a dozen planets.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It's a pity we don't see more of the timeline of THE ENEMY STARS (except in one additional short story). Then we would see more of the Protectorate and the Fellowship, and the rights and wrongs of the struggle between them. We do get hints in "The Ways of Love" that contact with alien races would eventually cause an upheaval within the human civilization.


S.M. Stirling said...

Larry Niven got himself into some very difficult narrative problems with teleportation technology in his "Known Space" series; he didn't think it through ahead of time.

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

Mr Stirling,
An interesting observation. What difficulties do you have in mind?