Monday 6 August 2018

Shadow And Light

Earlier in The Avatar, we were shocked by a negative Pathetic Fallacy. See here. In the concluding chapter, a negative sign is followed by a positive one:

"They halted in the middle of the road and turned to each other. A cloud shadow swept over them, then sunlight spilled anew."
-Poul Anderson, The Avatar, L, p. 402.

This means that Brodersen and Caitlin have had problems but are coming through them.

I think that all of Anderson's novels end optimistically? He does experiment with pessimistic endings but only in a few shorter works.

We have not exhausted The Avatar but have found all that I am going to discover on this rereading.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Well, THE BROKEN SWORD does end in death for Skafloc and anguish and tragic loss for Freda. And the ending of Anderson's version of HROLF KRAKI'S SAGA is more than grim enough. But, yes, most of Anderson's books end with at least the possibility of hope.
