Sunday 26 August 2018

Galaxy And Sunset

"God was rising in the west, and this time the sun was down..."
-Poul Anderson, World Without Stars, I, p. 5.

Ya-Kela, the One of the Pack, worships before going to investigate the unknown newcomers who have arrived in fire and thunder at Balefire Head.

"This evening the galaxy rose directly after sunset."
-VII, p. 43.

Argens, the narrator of most of the novel, including Chapter VII, and his men have just seen natives in canoes who fled when approached.

Clearly, those natives reported to Ya-Kela. Chapters I and VII begin by describing the same scene from different povs. The spacemen are about to make First Contact.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!
And considering how Argens and Hugh Valland were about to make First Contact with another race from a very poor position, they would have to be ESP. careful not to give or cause offense!
