Saturday 18 August 2018

Forests Green And Fair

Poul Anderson, "The Children of Fortune." See here.

Flying over North America, Collie sees mountains, valleys, rivers, "...forests green and fair...," (3, p. 83) and farms. The forests recall World Without Stars (see Earth In World Without Stars and Earth Abides) and The Peregrine (see Between The Dark Ages):

"His aircar went on soundless gravity beams over the western half of North America. The land was big and green below him, forest and rivers and grass waving out to the edge of the world."
-Poul Anderson, The Peregrine (New York, 1979), Chapter IV, pp. 23-24.

However, World Without Stars and The Peregrine are each set on a depopulated Earth of the far future whereas "The Children of Fortune" is set just twenty nine years after a global nuclear war. Will there be forests?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Will there be forests? One planet in FOR LOVE AND GLORY is mentioned as having an ecology so precariously balanced that even a minor change here or there can make rapidly uninhabitable for humans. Something similar is mentioned as being possible for Earth, at a meeting of the Cabinet of North America.
