Monday 20 August 2018

From Opposite Ends Of The Human Spectrum

Last night, after blogging, instead of Trotsky's My Life, I read some of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. That is what I mean by "From Opposite Ends Of The Human Spectrum." However, we recognize these two ends of the spectrum as complementary themes in Poul Anderson's works, from the many discussions of how to organize society to the psychophysical training of the Psychotechnic Institute and the Time Patrol. These two issues, how to change people and how to change society, converge in a debate in the Psychotechnic History. See here.

Meanwhile, in Anderson's Twilight World, the mutants begin to respond to a technical problem in their spaceship. Usually, I would reread and post about the relevant four pages (8, pp. 115-118) over breakfast but am in more of a hurry this morning: gym; lunch with Ketlan; other stuff; meditation group.

"It's A Small World" Department: I attended seminars with that guy, Alistair Shearer (see image), at Lancaster University a long time ago.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Very oddly, your mention of reading some of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras reminded me of how Lord Peter Wimsey's friend, Inspector Charles Parker, liked to read Biblical commentaries for relaxation. But, then, Dorothy L. Sayers' wrote very literate mysteries!

And that in turn brought to mind of the mystery novels Poul Anderson wrote.
