Saturday 4 August 2018

An Interrupted Wedding In A Spaceship

Poul Anderson, The Avatar, XLI.

Dan Brodersen, captain of Chinook, officiates at the wedding of two of his crew members. A siren alerts them that another spaceship has transited the T machine.

James Kirk, captain of the Enterprise, officiates at the wedding of two of his crew members. An alarm alerts them that a nearby Federation outpost has been attacked. See "Balance of Terror."

My first encounter with "Balance of Terror" was not on TV but in James Blish's first volume of Star Trek script adaptations. See here.

For another comparison between Poul Anderson and Star Trek, see Star Ways.

Star Trek fans, read Anderson!

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

After reading Anderson, Asimov, Bradbury, Burroughs, Clarke, Heinlein, Norton, etc., as a boy, I never could find STAR TREK or STAR WARS satisfactory TV or movie SF. Practically all TV or movie SF I've seen were shallow, thin, trite, etc., when compared to the works of the writers I listed.
