Saturday 4 August 2018

A Blue Planet

Poul Anderson, The Avatar, XXXIX.

In the globular cluster after the sixth jump:

a planet that is a deeper blue than either Earth or Demeter;

white clouds that are also slightly amber;

rusty continents;

gleaming snow on peaks and altiplanos;

vivid sunrise and sunset;

no polar caps;

three moons;

gravity a fifth again as Earth's;

thick oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, too concentrated at sea level for human beings;

greenhouse effect making high latitudes hot and the equator unbearable;

only the uppermost plateaus habitable;

life similar to Earth's everywhere but no sign of intelligence;

possibly chlorophyl but also something else in the vegetation;

very little chance of survival without seeds or synthesizers.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And the atmosphere of this planet reminded me of Starkad's, in ENSIGN FLANDRY. Breathable for humans at higher altitudes but not at sea level. And Starkak's gravity was also 30 percent greater than that of Terra's, which would be about as much as humans could tolerate. Imhotep, where the surviving Tigeries and Sea People were settled by the Empire, had a comparable atmosphere and gravity.
