Friday 8 June 2018

Genes And Photographs

When Jack Havig mentions "...a galaxy...," Robert Anderson understands him but, when Havig refers to his genes, he must explain that:

"'They'll find the molecular basis of heredity, approximately ten years from now.'"
-Poul Anderson, There Will Be Time (New York, 1973), V, p. 47.

Thus, scientific knowledge grew during the twentieth century and can too easily be lost.

Time travelers are fertile only with each other and their children are not travelers - unlike in Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife, which could have a sequel, The Time Traveler's Daughter.

Wells' Time Traveler, last seen departing with a camera, offers to prove:

"'...this time travelling up to the hilt, specimens and all.'"
-HG Wells, The Time Machine (London, 1973), 16, p. 100 -

- but never returns. Havig shows Anderson "...photographs of the unruined Acropolis..." (V, p. 50) and other photos brought from the past. Wallis has photographs of Cecil Rhodes, Bismarck, Napoleon and a robed yellow-bearded man. Mutant time travelers can carry very little but it does include photographic evidence.

Havig and Anderson converse on Lake Winnego in the spring:

Anderson smokes his pipe;
blue water glitters;
sweetness blows from fields, trees, apple blossoms and plowed earth;
a hawk rides the cool, whooping wind -

- five senses are celebrated.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Of course I agree the Parthenon, even in its wreckage, is beautifle. But I believe the Temple of Solomon would MEAN more to me. Because, at the time, it was the only fane in the world dedicated to the true God


S.M. Stirling said...

The robed yellow-bearded man is Charlemagne, I think.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Dear Mr. Stirling,

It was Charlemagne!

Sean said...

Wallis pointed out a photo of Charlemagne so that must be it.