Wednesday 20 June 2018

Copenhagen And Roskilde

The Merman's Children is historical fantasy whereas The Corridors Of Time combines historical and futuristic sf. They share some place names, including Copenhagen and Roskilde. See:

The Merman's Children, Book Four, Chapters IV-V

I was very impressed by Storm Darroway's and Malcolm Lockridge's long car journey through Denmark and still more that I had been able to summarize it in a single post. I thought that it had required several.

Storm and Lockridge are about to embark on a journey through time but first we are treated to their journey through Denmark. In fact, both of these characters are dead before the novel begins. They will travel to before the Bronze Age and stay then. We bring such knowledge with us to any subsequent rereading of the book. 


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Objectively considered, that is a very strange idea, to be alive and dead at the same "time." It would make sense only in time traveling SF stories.


S.M. Stirling said...

The one way in which knowledge of that period has increased since Poul wrote CORRIDORS is a better understanding of absolute dating and relative chronology.

1827 BCE wasn't actually Copper Age or late neolithic in northern Europe. It was well into the early stage of the Bronze Age. The level he's writing about would have been about 2800 BCE.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Dear Mr. Stirling,

A difference of merely 27 years does not strike me as very impressive. But I can imagine fairly rapid technological changes even in that narrow time frame.

Sean said...

But isn't it a difference of closer to 1000 years?