Thursday 21 June 2018

The Physics Of The Corridors Of Time II

See the previous post and also an earlier post here.

Storm and Lockridge:

travel along the corridor at an estimated thirty miles an hour for less than half an hour;

travel from 1964 A.D. to 1827 B.C. (see The First Moment).

Do these distances match up with what Storm says about a conversion factor of "'...roughly thirty-five days per foot'"? (CHAPTER FOUR, p. 33) I am not going to try to calculate it.

It is curiously appropriate that burial mounds are used as gates to other times. Some people led through one of the time corridors believe that they are descending into the underworld and rising into another world.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Good point, your last paragraph. The time travelers in THE CORRIDORS OF TIME are literally descending or ascending to the very different they will be seeing in different eras of history.
