Saturday 23 June 2018

Throughout Danish History


Poul Anderson, The Corridors of Time, CHAPTER THIRTEEN.

In Denmark in 1827 B.C., Brann captures Storm and Malcolm Lockridge but Lockridge escapes along a time corridor and:

"'...Brann informed his agents throughout Danish history.'" (p. 117)

He can only do this by sending couriers along the corridors.

Suppose, for the sake of simplicity, that one Ranger base exists for three centuries during the period when the Aesir are worshiped in Uppsala and that a second such base exists for two centuries during the period before and after the Protestant Reformation. Does Brann send his couriers to the earliest moments of these bases? He will have had dealings with these and other bases before, in fact will probably have been involved in setting them up. Suppose that his previous dealings with the Uppsala base had occurred during the first fifty years of that base whereas his previous dealings with the Reformation base had been during its first twenty years. Does he dispatch one courier to the fifty first year of the Uppsala base and another to the twenty first year of the Reformation base?

Wardens and Rangers must try to keep their inter-temporal transactions in a coherent order so that they will not interfere with actions or events which, at the current stage of their careers, they regard as completed.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Ugh! It needs a philosopher and logician to try making sense of these complexities and complication of time traveling!
