Thursday 7 June 2018


I was two years old. George VI was still King of England. Our family had not yet moved from Whitehaven, where my father grew up, to Penrith, my equivalent of Smallville or Senlac.

Robert Anderson, the first person narrator of Poul Anderson's There Will Be Time, summarizes 1951 for us and I will post more on this when I have finished running around Lancaster on other business.

Truman was President. Also in the news were:

Alger Hiss;
Owen Lattimore;
Judith Coplon;
Morton Sobell;
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg;
Joseph McCarthy.

The Korean War was happening. The Russians had got the atomic bomb. Television was an innovation. A millionaire might finance space flight in the next century. Computers were few, large and expensive with blinking lights. There was smog in LA and sometimes in London.

Happier days?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, George VI was still alive in 1951, but he was in failing health and would soon die early in 1952.

And I remember Algis Hiss too well with anger and contempt. He was as much a traitor as Kim Philby!

And a real millionaire, Elon Musk, is trying hard, using his own money, to get a REAL space program going! I ardently hope he succeeds.
