Thursday 21 September 2023

The Complexities Of Didonians

The Rebel Worlds.

The bird-like krippos are also viviparous. 

Cave Discoverer and Many Thoughts can never meet because they share two units although they share memories from those units.

Unless my Maths are wrong, the nine units of three entities can be reassembled into twenty-six other entities. However, a Didonian "communion" (society) pragmatically deploys the appropriate units to spend most of their time within outstanding entities, like Cave Discoverer for exploration, Many Thoughts for wisdom or Master of Songs for music. These three entities share the same noga and ruka, differing only in their krippo. Their noga and ruka are unlikely to spend much time in less talented entities. While Cave Discoverer accompanies Flandry's group across the mountains, neither Many Thoughts nor Master of Songs can be formed back in Thunderstone. Temporary entities must know that they are temporary and not object. Altruism within a communion is so natural that it has not been conceptualized.

When Cave Discoverer travels to an annual fair, his noga links with a ruka from one place and a krippo from another to form Raft Farer. Thus, Raft Farer exists only annually and only as long as three entities from different communions remain able to visit that fair.

Experiencing the transience of their consciousnesses, the Didonians can hardly conceptualize individual entities as immortal souls.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Not always so altruistic! Units captured from hostile "communions" can object vehemently to being linked to units from their captors.

Ad astra! Sean