Friday 15 September 2023

A Sandwich With Coffee

The Rebel Worlds, CHAPTER FIVE.

Kathryn McCormac becomes Dominic Flandry's prisoner. She refuses hospitality from the Empire until he points out that she must eat to live and indeed must already have done so while detained by Snelund. Then she accepts a sandwich and coffee. A trivial point, perhaps.

However, when I am under pressure - and I have never been under as much pressure as Kathryn McCormac - my appetite goes completely. I can go for a very long time without wanting to eat. This is not a hunger strike. It is demotivation. There seems to be no point in chewing or swallowing. When, although stressed from conflict at work, I had to eat socially, I chose a meal with mashed potatoes. My friend, Andrea, says that, as a man of Italian descent, his response to pressure is the exact opposite, comfort eating. I cannot imagine it.

In Kathryn's shoes, I would not have refused hospitality on principle but nevertheless could not have stomached a sandwich. I expect some blog readers to have opinions.


DaveShoup2MD said...

One may be surprised what stress, fatigue, and adrenalin can manifest as a reaction.

Human beings are complex; responses to the above are not always the same.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I agree with the reasoning of both Flandry and you on why it was right of Lady McCormac to accept hospitality from him.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Some people eat more when they're upset, some less.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

And it was Flandry's judgment Kathryn McCormac needed to eat and drink something at that time.

Ad astra! Sean