Monday 25 September 2023

Ambush And Windhome

The Day Of Their Return, 2.

Ivar Frederiksen and his band of Aenean guerrillas wait to ambush an Imperial patrol. When the marines arrive, we are told that:

"They were human..." (p. 77)

They might not have been, of course. The guerrillas are all human because only human beings had colonized Aeneas.

Defeated, Ivar sneaks back to Windhome, "...the ancestral seat of the Firstman of Ilion." (p. 79) We remember that, in The Rebel Worlds, Fleet Admiral Hugh McCormac, Firstman and Imperial pretender, rode into Windhome with his sons. Now, McCormac's nephew-in-law, Ivar Frederiksen, Firstling (heir):

"...stumbled to press the scanner plate." (p. 79)

We are seeing the same place from a very different point of view. The Day Of Their Return is an unexpected interruption to the Dominic Flandry series and also a welcome addition to the Technic History.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN was a very welcome addition to the Technic series, as was "Outpost of Empire."

But I still miss seeing Trillians again!

Ad astra! Sean