Friday 29 September 2023

Explaining The Subcultures

See Aenean Subcultures and combox.

Subsequent waves of immigrants were not integrated and did not benefit from high tech but adopted alternative lifestyles to which they became attached or, in the case of the tinerans, addicted. Does that sufficiently explain Aenean cultural separatism? We want to accept tinerans, Riverfolk and Orcans but need an adequate rationalization for their diversity. As Bruce Pennington, cover artist, commented, the book has:

"...plenty of pictorial content for at least a dozen good cover illustrations..."
-Poul Anderson, The Day Of Their Return (London, 1978), back cover -

- but sf is about reasons, not just images.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But Stirling made some good points. An advanced, high tech culture like that of the dominant culture on Aeneas should have eventually absorbed these sub-groups. We need to look deeper, to find ways of explaining why such sub-cultures could exist and survive for centuries.

Ad astra! Sean