Tuesday 12 September 2023

Flandry And The Ruadrath


Like van Rijn and Falkayn, although for a different purpose, Flandry must learn how to understand and manipulate members of other intelligent species. It helps that there are many. There have got to be similarities as well as dissimilarities. Having introduced a number of rational species, Poul Anderson is able to make comparisons between them. Like Merseians, the Ruadrath lean forward, balanced by a strong tail. Merseians and men say, "Do you see?" whereas the Ruadrath say, "Do you seize?" Flandry must use Ruadrath idioms while conversing with Rrinn of Wirrda's in Merseian Eriau. Rrinn has not mastered Eriau grammar or syntax but Flandry is used to such communication problems. He hopes that Ruadrath mental processes are similar enough to human for him to be able to trick Rrinn. 

When another Ruadh tells a story, Rrinn interprets in Eriau. Recognizing the style, dignity and philosophy of a heroic adventure, Flandry becomes confident of his manipulative abilities. Meanwhile, back at the base, Ydwyr continues to manipulate Djana. The narrative builds toward a showdown.


S.M. Stirling said...

Most specifically human mental abilities evolved to manipulate the social environment, because that was crucial to passing on your genes, or helping your close relatives to do so (which has almost as much weight in evolutionary terms).

Manipulating other people is a necessary part of this.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Manipulating/cooperating is also necessary simply to stay alive, and to get food!

Ad astra! Sean