Monday 9 January 2023

A Duplicated Biblical Reference

I said here that I had missed a Biblical reference but then checked and found that I had spotted it here. However, the two posts are so different that both can stand. I used to notice that James Blish quoted the Bible quite a lot but Anderson's output was much bigger than Blish's so his Biblical allusions are more numerous. For a variation, Blish begins The Triumph of Time, about the end of the universe, with Koranic verses about the Day of Judgement. This is not always an abstract issue. In Birmingham in Britain right now, we encounter street propagandists for both the Bible and the Koran - and prophecies of an imminent catastrophe resonate. Both scriptures and science fiction address life.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And there's Speaker's Corner in London's Hyde Park, where anyone could orate on any topic he fancied. Not been there since 1996 so I don't know if that's still true.

Ad astra! Sean