Sunday 22 January 2023

The Troublemakers: Miscellaneous

"The Troublemakers."

The Pioneer " six miles long and two miles in diameter." (p. 125)


"The whole expedition was a cosmic joke." (p. 118)

Somewhere Dominic Flandry ironically reflects that human life is a comedy created by the gods when they were in a bad mood - or something along those lines. Where?

Friday has been busted from officer to labourer and is now organizing a small shop keepers' self-defence group so he has gained inside knowledge of three social classes. He is being prepared for something by his creator, Poul Anderson, and maybe also by those elusive psychotechnicians that we suspect are lurking somewhere in the Pioneer? What?

Wilson's Brotherhood is mutinying and Friday is poised to take some action but what? I can't remember from previous readings.

Onward and upward.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I too remember those reflections by Flandry, I think about human life being not a tragicomedy but a farce amusing the gods. But I can't quite recall in which of the stories he made them.

Ad astra! Sean