Wednesday 29 December 2021


Mirkheim, XVII.

Winter approached. Snow arrives and decks the land. The country, blue-shadowed white and hushed, rolls westward to the Arcadian Hills. The sky is blue. Breath smokes. Footfalls ring. Lady Sandra's space yacht, Castle Catherine, rises on negagrav like a snowflake in a breeze.

Sandra is accompanied by her children, Lorna Stanton and her men, including Falkayn. (Lorna Stanton?) (Addendum: Lorna is Eric's fiancee.)

Sandra goes into exile. Falkayn carries important intelligence to van Rijn. A quiet but portentous scene. The plot thickens.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And Strang obviously thought Lady Sandra was giving up, going permanently into exile. But it was only a temporary retreat, for strategic reasons, with the Duchess having every intention of coming back!

I could also think of applicable metaphors from chess.

Happy New Year! Sean