Monday 8 June 2020

Quit While You Are A Head

Operation Luna, 40.

Another fictional animated disembodied head is Orpheus in Neil Gaiman's The Sandman.

How does such a head perform manual tasks?

"[Ginny] heard, '[Odin's] eye lies here in the well of wisdom. Each day I drink from it.'
"How? she wondered wildly." (p. 356)

"He mumbled and muttered and gnawed his beard, which he caused to
float up to his mouth for the purpose." (p. 359)

Well, there is a partial answer.

First image: Mimir.
Second image: Orpheus.

Morpheus established a special order of priests to guard his son's, Orpheus', immortal head. Hidden among guillotined heads in revolutionary France, Orpheus sang to Robespierre.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And don't forget how amusingly Ginny softened Mimir's view of her case by plying him with coffee, a drink which delighted him.

Ad astra! Sean