Sunday 14 June 2020

Kinds Of Crossovers

(i) The Tarzan and Earth's Core series intersect in Tarzan At The Earth's Core and the She and Allan Quartermain series intersect in She And Allan.

(ii) Characters from Poul Anderson's Carolingian, goetic and Shakespearean timelines meet in the Old Phoenix.

(iii) Death from The Seventh Seal emerges from a cinema screen in Last Action Hero.

(iv) British and Irish mythologies intersect because Arthur invades Ireland and Fionn fights Arthur.

(v) Irish Pagan and Christian legends intersect because Oisin, married to a daughter of Manannan (scroll down) mac Lir, returns to Ireland after three centuries in the Land of the Young and meets St Patrick.

(Manannan, Lir and Patrick feature in works by Poul Anderson.) 


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

One thing I thought of was being regretful that a character from the Technic timeline was not present at this Old Phoenix interlude. Or might that have been thought too much of a strain for Anderson to think was plausible?

Dominic Flandry would have been a worthy visitor to the Old Phoenix!

Ad astra! Sean said...


Well, van Rijn was there later. The premise is that anyone can show up from anywhere and anywhen.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I thought of that, yes, but I wanted to think of another character from the Technic timeline who was eminently worthy of visiting the Old Phoenix. And Flandry should be accompanied by Chives as well!

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

For a carnival of crossovers, I recommend the "Spiral" series by Michael Scott Rohan -- set in our universe pretty much, but immersed in a metauniverse where all possibilities and fictions are real "somewhere" and that somewhere can be accessed if you've got the right guidance or talents.

There's an inn, "The Illyrian Tavern" in a British city (probably Liverpool, from the destcription) where you can meet just about anyone, and another in the same town where Shakespeare and Ben Johnson (not named but unmistakable) are having a literary argument in the background.


They're very good. said...

It sounds like a good series for me to compare with Poul Anderson.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Michael Scott Rohan's CHASE THE MORNING, etc. Thanks, a writer to keep in mind!

I did read, long ago, John Myers Myers SILVERLOCK, which uses a roughly similar premise.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Paul: it is an excellent series to compare with Poul's work -- I think he would have enjoyed them. said...

I have ordered CHASE THE MORNING and it looks like SILVERLOCK should be next.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I hope you enjoy SILVERLOCK.

Ad astra! Sean