Thursday, 11 June 2020


Somewhere in Poul Anderson's Operation Luna, (in fact, see 14, p. 132) "Operation Luna" is abbreviated as "OpLu," which is an anagram for "Poul," although I do not know whether this has any literary significance.

Operation Luna ends with a defeat of demons by gods and magicians. A Midsummer Tempest begins with a defeat of Cavaliers by Cromwell and the Roundheads.

For why Cromwell wound up as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth - we would say President of the Republic - see Cavaliers And Roundheads.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I do remember that "OpLu" from my recent rereading of OPERATION LUNA, but not that it was an anagram for "Poul." I'm sure Anderson knew that was an anagram and put it in the book as an inside joke which might or might not have been noticed by some readers.

Ad astra! Sean