Saturday, 2 May 2020

Three Human-Alori Antitheses

(i) Thesis: The biologically oriented Alori live as part of their environment.

Antithesis: The mechanically oriented Solar Union masters its environment.

Synthesis: The Union will displace but also learn from the Alori.

(ii) Thesis: The Alori address each problem as a unified whole and might intuit that they have formulated it incompletely.

Antithesis: Solar Union "integrating" computers address each problem by analyzing its factors, then assembling isolated data, and might miss some relevant data.

Synthesis: Alori science might suggest ways to make integrators that would consider totalities.

(iii) Thesis: The Solar Union inherits techniques from the Psychotechnic Institute.

Antithesis: The Alori's biological approach gives them incomparably greater knowledge of the nervous system.

Synthesis: The Union will welcome Alori knowledge whereas the Alori seem unable to accept synthesis.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And, of course, many human beings will reject both the Union and the Alori and stubbornly insist on going their own ways. Because that is what has actually happened in real history.

Ad astra! Sean