Wednesday 6 May 2020


Virgin Planet, CHAPTER XV.

Continuing the story from the previous post:

When Davis is summarily condemned to death, his companions immediately defend him with arms. Thus, according to the legate, Davis himself has proved that he is a Monster by assaulting the legate!

Some people cannot be trusted to give accurate accounts of incidents which they themselves have witnessed. Decades ago, my parents and I attended a public meeting addressed by the controversial Lord Longford. During the meeting, perhaps one or two people spoke out of turn and, according to my mother, this was an organized attempt to disrupt the meeting. I was livid at her misrepresentation of the course of event when discussing the incident with dinner guests a few evenings later.

Eventually, I learned that, if I was to know what had happened at an incident, then I had to be present at it myself.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I was familiar with the name "Longford," because of Lord Longford's wife writing a biography of Queen Victoria. I also looked up Longford himself. He was esp. controversial when it came to matters of penal reform. And was perhaps too willing to believe in the alleged reformation of some criminals.

Ad astra! Sean