Sunday, 5 May 2019

T'Kelan Self-Identification

"Territory," see here.

"'I am Tola's son Uulobu, Avongo, Rokulela, now a follower of the sky-folk.'" (p. 30)

Tola is a parent, mentioned first;
"Uulobu" is a personal name;
Avongo is a clan;
Rokulela is a Horde;
the sky-folk are Terrestrials, not deities;
deities are "'...the Real Ones...'" (p. 21)

When t'Kelans meet and greet, van Rijn watches intently and asks not only for translation of everything said but also for an explanation of certain overt flourishes and gestures made with weapons. As when he is told about events on Cain in "The Master Key," van Rijn assesses alien psychology and identifies how it differs from human.

The worst blunderer about alien psychology has to be Lord Hauksberg negotiating with Merseians in Ensign Flandry.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm slowly reading Shirley Meier's SHADOW'S DAUGHTER. Maybe I should put that aside to reread TRADER TO THE STARS (at least partly because it contains the original version of "Margin of Profit."

Lord Hauksberg's blundering, based on his obstinate misreading of the Merseians, could have DESTROYED the Empire. A heavy responsibility to bear!

In a few more days I hope to FINALLY get a copy of Stirling's THEATER OF SPIES. Something to look forward to!

Sean said...

"Margin of Profit" is not in TRADER TO THE STARS.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Oops! Your're right! My 1964 copy of TRADER TO THE STARS contains "Hiding Place," "Territory," and "The Master Key." But not "Margin of Profit"! It's UN-MAN AND OTHER NOVELLAS which collects the original text of "Margin." I've had "Margin" so much in my mind lately that I forgot which edition first pub. that story in book form.

I had an elderly moment! (Smiles)
