Saturday 25 May 2019

Fight Scene On Dathyna II

Satan's World.

I summarized the "Fight Scene On Dathyna" over a year ago. See here. Any details missed the first time? Sean drew attention to van Rijn saying that he would study the captured Shenn blaster for any improvements that he could patent.

"The Shenn could have taken cover and tries to pick [Chee Lan] off, but that was not his nature. He dashed forth." (XXIV, p. 580)

This agrees with what we have been told about Shenn psychology.

When van Rijn delivers that karate kick, the Shenn yells and van Rijn remarks:

"'Ha, is a tender spot for you too?'" (p. 582)

- so we know where the kick was delivered.

When the Shenn charges, van Rijn runs towards him but sidesteps at the last moment. For a fat and sedentary man, van Rijn has extraordinary combat skills, displayed in four works.

When Muddlehead has bombarded the castle, Thea Beldaniel communicates that her lord Moath is dead. Falkayn retorts that:

she is better off without a lord;
every human being is;
the League does not want war but will wage it if necessary;
the Shenna, who had intended war, had better make terms.

The job is nearly complete.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A trained human soldier would have KNOWN that a shoot out is best handled by taking cover and picking off his enemies. But that was not the Shenna's natural reaction--they had to dash forth and try to win up close and personal.
